Tag Archives: dogs

Life Lessons From The Pets – Directions

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Sometimes our perceptions differ from others in our lives. We find ourselves headed in different directions.  One day my dogs were frantic to get outside:

Gina: “Let me out—look at that!” while jumping excitedly at the door.

Paulo: “Oh yea, I see it. Let me out too!!”

After both fitting out the door at the same time, they ran in different directions. . . .

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But when things get tough in life, we’re in it together, just like Gina and Paulo were when investigating a horseshoe crab on the beach.

Life Lessons from the PETS – Live for the moment

I have spent many years observing the pet world and would like to share some of the wisdom that I’ve picked up. (Please note all quotations are from the pets)

ginaLive for the moment

“What’s up? Wanna lay down for a while? Okay,” followed by nestling into the blankets as if for a lifetime.

“What? You moved? Let me jump up just in case you wanted to go somewhere – the next room counts as going somewhere.”

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