Caregiver Tip # 4

“Write things down in a notebook that is always handy. Track whatever you can. Having notes on names, dates, and information will be helpful. Always keep it with you because you never know when you will need to refer back for clarification or reach out to a contact person.”

Tracking things is important.  Even though seem clear about the time that you took a drug, you will quickly forget.  Have the caregiver and patient both help each other write things down.  The time a pill was taken; the dosage; maybe even a note for the next time. Especially in the middle of the night when everyone is foggy and task oriented so they can get back to sleep.

Writing things down about the diagnosis, treatment options, possible side effects helps to minimize surprises and clarify confusion.

Writing down details about who sent flowers, dropped off food, or called to give support.  Things that normally seem clear and easy to remember are out the window when your life in the midst of a crisis.

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